Saturday, May 10, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
So i'm now officially un-employed, atleast for the next short while, i pray. I'm already at my wits end, i always want to have time off but never really know what to do with myself when i'm finally off...usually by day two i'm like what else can i do. I don't even know what i'm going to do especially since i will have no internet access. Actually i dont know when this will be restored because i have a feeling the next work issue laptop i get will not be able to access the internet, oh well, i guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Officially starting running again tomorrow. Its been awhile since i last abandoned it. But this time i'm going to stick with it, firstly because i'm putting on too much weight and in all the wrong places too and secondly because i've been threatened with grevious bodily harm is i abandon my running partner whom i've actually convinced to start running so that i can have company. Because I think that was part of the problem last time, the fact that i used to get bored when running and also scared. Our goal is to run this, and when we sucessfully run that, we shall buy ourselves some funky outfits