Sunday, June 6, 2010


It's hard to believe that we're already half-way through the year seems like just the other day we were waiting up to see the new millenium and now look at us, the 1st decade is almost through.

This month brings with it lots of excitement, what with the W.orld C.up and stuff, the hype is so much especially here in J.o'burg where we have basically been whipped up into a frenzy by the football Friday's. I am also so excited that atleast we will also get to say we were there after we watch our match. At the same time i feel so sorry for B.afana B.afana with all our expectations riding on them. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to have so much pressure to perform, it must be crashing to say the least. The condemnation, vitriol and abuse they will receive should the crash out of the games too soon is just more than they can imagine. We are all getting our hopes up especially now that they have been undefeated in the last 11 matches they have played and those were not small teams either. Anyway, I suppose next Friday by this time we will know whether they beat M.exico or not, so it will either be collective euphoria or depression for the country. I tell you I have realized how sports can unify people, I have never witnessed this amount of patriotism by all colors and creeds in the 5 years I have been here...maybe next we must bid for the Olympics so that we have something else to look forward to as a country.

Anyway, I have rumbled on enough I think..busy week ahead for me..i will probably be driving to P.retoria 2 or 3 times this week with the 1st time being tomorrow morning for a meeting at 8am (grrr, why did i accept that time?) and then on Sunday we drive back and forth to P.olokwane for our match. Pray that I have a good, safe and productive week and so do all my loved ones too ;)
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