Saturday, November 17, 2007

French 101

This was an assignment we had last week.

"Moi je suis Amo. J'ai vingt-huit ans.

Je fais 1m 65. Je suis Informaticienne. Je joue au violon. Je suis genereuse et revervee. J'aime mange dans les nouveaux restaurant, regarde le television et lire. Je n'aime pas les exercise et la sport. Je deteste les chien et les chats.

Je cherche un home grand, vingt-neuf – trent-deux ans. Un peu sarcastique mais amusant. Il ne doit pas boire. Il doit joue au violon et lire. Il doit celibataire pas divorce. Il doit aussi etre honnete et gentil"

Lets see who can understand that J

Friday, November 16, 2007


- Why am i awake at midnight watching Dr 90210?

- Why am i trawling facebook at this un-godly hour?

- Why do i surf so much?

- Why do i miss home so much even after almost being here 3 years?

- Why is the grass always greener?

- Why do i never finish what i start?

- Why do i get bored so easily?

- Why is it so difficult for me to find my calling?

- Why can't I take the path that leads straight to the Lord and true joy?

- Why does that former woman on Dr 90210 want to be a man now?

- Why do i want a career change and yet i dont know if i will even like it after afew months?

- Why am i not sleepy?

- Why will it be difficult to get out of bed tomorrow?

- Why does the chick on Dr 90210 want to have surgery on her chuchus?

- Why is apple smoothie not all that?

- Why do i think that i will be happier in Canada?

- Why has this year gone so fast?

- Why am i listening to Contemporary Christian music on Yahoo radio while watching Girls of the Playboy mansion?

- Why does Hugh Hefner have 3 girlfriends?

- Why are those 3 well-educated (well atleast 2 of them are) girls all with Hef?

- Why do i want to get married so much?

- Why am i calling him Hef like they do?

- Why did i google Hef's 3 girlfriends?

- Why do i google so much?

- Why am i wondering what i gain from all this surfing?

- Why am i wondering that maybe if i gave myself some down time each evening then maybe falling off to sleep would be easier?

- Why is life so complicated in your 20s?

- Why does it all matter anyway?


Saturday, November 10, 2007

How true

Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.
- Harper Lee (Author: To kill a mocking bird)
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