Saturday, November 17, 2007

French 101

This was an assignment we had last week.

"Moi je suis Amo. J'ai vingt-huit ans.

Je fais 1m 65. Je suis Informaticienne. Je joue au violon. Je suis genereuse et revervee. J'aime mange dans les nouveaux restaurant, regarde le television et lire. Je n'aime pas les exercise et la sport. Je deteste les chien et les chats.

Je cherche un home grand, vingt-neuf – trent-deux ans. Un peu sarcastique mais amusant. Il ne doit pas boire. Il doit joue au violon et lire. Il doit celibataire pas divorce. Il doit aussi etre honnete et gentil"

Lets see who can understand that J


gnovember said...

PS: Je deteste le coloeur vous choisissez- i hate the layout of your blog madam!

Amo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amo said...

J'adore mon coloeur. did you understand the post?

Unknown said...

Yes the post is very clear to me.

gnovember said...

aleka you dont mean that surely? amo why was a comment(mine) deleted?

Amo said...

no comment of yours was deleted. its mine that i'd posted earlier in response to yours but i wanted to make longer so i deleted the original one

gnovember said...

good answer that one

gnovember said...

i got aleka a couple of maths blogs that she might be interested in- so you send them to her as an email dear amo!

she might need to retype them but hey,its all in a days work

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