Friday, March 14, 2008

Two good things that happened to me this week

  1. My SA Police clearance finally came through this week just when i was beginning to think that the lady was a con-woman. I was getting worried coz it was well after the 7 – 12 days that had been forecasted and also after i spoke to a friend who said that the amount i paid to get it was way too low. Just goes to show, that sometimes one just has to trust their instincts.
  2. I finally handed in all my supporting documents and re-signed my new work contract. I guess now i'm on the clock, or does that start when i actually quit?

    The day my police clearance came through i had a really nostalgic moment for my current employer. But i guess its just coz i'm leaving my current posting when i've only just started to become really friendly with my colleagues..and i guess it will be sometime before that happens at my new job and i will miss that. But apart from that...bring it on..i'm sooo ready for this new job!!!

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