Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The voice of the Lord?

Well 2009 and a new year is upon us once again (atleast for the new year). I hope it brings lots of good things only for me and my loved ones. I know it's been quite a while since I was on here but now i'm back, atleast for now anyway.

Of late i've been feeling like the Lord is talking me. I have this feeling like i'm being nudged towards something. A thing that i've been struggling with for quite a number of years now. I feel like He's telling me to trust Him. To just let go and to let Him step in and take control of my life and this situation in particular. I feel like He's calling me to have a personal relationship with Him, to not rely on my own strength but to put my trust in Him, to test Him and watch Him coming through for me in all areas of my life.

I have been asking God for awhile now to give me clarity or show me some signs concerning this situation. On various occassions now i've felt like i've gotten real signs including someone coming and actually telling me that the Lord is telling her to tell me to do that thing and to stop struggling. The thing is that i'm confused, i'm struggling to let go and surrender to the Lord, i know this is because i'm still relying on my own strength and not trusting in Him fully. I am also struggling with whether this trully is the Lord's voice/urging, but then again, why would any other thing putsh me towards the Lord.

I just wish i could see what life would be like with me totally trusting the Lord, like i could get some kind of peek into what He has in store for me. Like i could have some kind of guarantee about some things.


Yot said...

like you said, why would anything push u towards a God that only wants to love you unless its the Lord Himself speaking to you loud and clear...if its of any help, we all struggle with what the Lord wants us to do, me too, sometimes you see it, you know it but i ask myself, nani kama mimi? when i fail on my own strength, go full circle, fall flat on my face then i come back and acknowledge that had i accepted His strength mapema i wouldnt be so's a lesson i learnt only too late, to let go and let God...still havent perfected it...but the little benefits i have derived are too tamu sana...and welcome back online, i thought this project of yours had been abandoned for sheezy...let go and let God, practise just asking Him to let you trust Him in the small and not so small things in life and gal, u will be amazed..

Yot said...

another thing i have learnt or heard told to me, God doesnt shout eti Here i am Amongin, look at me, HE says it in a still small voice, a sweet voice, im serious, u will need to be silent to hear from Him not amidst a boom twaf moment...He is ever so sweet and gentle...

Yot said...

I am God’s child (John 1:12)
I am Christ’s friend (John 15:15 )
some food for thought for u as we begin the new year my chista

Amo said...

Thanks for your pearls of wisdom as always. I know its a struggle for everyone, but i dont know why for me i find it extra difficult. Even as i pray i am somtimes praying with an attitude of God i know you wont hear my prayer but let me just go through the routine anyway so that i can see...bad i know.

I will keep praying especially for this aspect of my life

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