Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Wow! I can't believe it's been almost exactly a year since I was last here or even blogged anything. I suppose that's a reflection of all the things that have happened in my life of late. To say there has been change, is an understatement. To even say that there has been massive, un-planned, un-expected change is a major understatement. A lot has happened in my life, most of which has been life changing. But I thank God that I lived to die another day. God has been very faithful and good to me, like I cannot even begin to describe, relate. I suppose those who know me (as opposed to those who secretly troll my blog :)), are aware of some of what i'm talking about (don't you just hate it when people talk in parables? Especially on blogs). Anyway, I hope to blog more often about the same old random stuff that I always blogged about in the past. Just know that God is good and God is great, all the time and there's no doubt about it!

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