Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What I look like

Christmas 2006, Kampala Uganda. One of the most enjoyable Xmas holidays i've had in awhile. I tell you, its true what they (always wondered who they are) say, you never miss the water till the well goes dry.


Yot said...

Amooti waitu, now you are a blogger!!!! bodo tooooooooooo much technology for my little self. How do i go and explain this to papa and Eme you know the two of them are kinda not on the same wavelength technologically yet this is a milestone which cannot go unmentioned in the Ewinyu hse hold????? bodo kindiki

Spoke with mama last night when i was busy fueling my apetite!!!! si you know how these days all i seem to be doing is eat eat and eat some more. She is well and the G too lakini the G is really forgetting stuff alot... so do pray for her

ati u are going to CT, can i come with you???

Yot said...

Amo this is addictive now i can live u all the msgs then u can read them when u come online...u sound like a real americano, infact if i didnt now u i would have sworn olimujungu!!!! what with talking about going to CT on holiday, etc etc navigating traffic, bodo how about just sounding like the imoratok we know u are!!!!

i decided to use the road to kla and save the dollars and use them for happiness in kampala!!!!

Amo said...

Ateenyi, i'm pleasantly surprised that u know what a blog is! Thought I had my work cut out explaining it all to u. yes, its very addictive. now u can b leaving me messages and also surf to other ppl's blogs and perv on their lives.

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