Friday, November 27, 2009

God given talent

Earlier this week i was listening to a radio interview of a famous boxer called "the rose of Soweto" and the interviewer commented to him that some people say that most boxers need to train to reach the level that this boxer had reached, whereas most people agree that this boxer just had a natural God-given boxing talent.

Since then I have become obsessed with what my God-given talent. Does everyone have one of those? What if i die having never found out what it is? How do i find out what it is? I'm consumed with finding out what it is, i'd hate to think that there's something that i can do without any effort (or with minimal effort) or i wouldn't the amount of effort required because i would enjoy so much.

I guess for me the overriding question right now is what is my God-given talent. I sure would like to know so that it just stops lying fallow.

Enjoy a good weekend to my one faithful reader

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Did one of those online personality tests and the result was an almost accurate description of me as follows:

You prefer a warm, friendly environment free of conflict and hostility. In that environment, you prefer reassurance of your involvement and self-worth.

Because of your lenient and complacent nature, others with fewer scruples may take advantage of you. You could, perhaps, benefit from greater assertiveness.

You are a good friend and are always willing to help those you consider to be your friends. You also show strong ties, and will be uncomfortable when separated from your friends for an extended period.

You may demonstrate positive possessiveness by developing strong attachments; however, you will not be overly involved as some others tend to do.

You have a basic need to be supportive of others. You will agree with others, sometimes even if it's not what you really want.

Others may perceive you as being undemonstrative and self-controlled. Not wanting to be the center of attention, you generally support others.

You tend to dislike sudden or abrupt changes. You prefer things the way they are. Your motto might be: "If it's not broken, don't fix it."

You tend to be a traditionalist, and will enjoy the social environment best if it is stable and predictable. You dislike sudden decisions about where to go or what to do, preferring to think things out first.

You show self-control in most things you do; you are not an extremist. Others may see you as stable, mature and steadfast.

You tend to be loyal to others. Your loyalty shows in a variety of ways including your "staying power" with relationships and activities.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Have you ever....

.....had one of those weeks where on Tuesday you feel like it should be a friday already because of the amount of hours you've put in?

.....needed to just have a good cry and no tears will come?

.....been passed over for a promotion and have people who were junior to you now be at the same level as you?

.....thought you would not feel bad if you were not promoted but feel just really horrible when your name is not on the list?

.....wondered what it feels like to be the right level at the right age?

.....just wished you could sleep the whole weekend and knowing that it just will not be happening?

.....been so sleepy and yet been unable to sleep?

.....had to clear review notes which were beyond your control?

.....felt like you are just disappointing the people you work with?

.....wondered if maybe you're not cut-out for the job that you thought you'd do so well?

.....known you enjoy the work, but maybe you do not have the personality type to do the work?

It has been one of those weeks, maybe its exhaustion, maybe i'm just being a drama queen...but i sure hope the sun does come out tomorrow

Friday, July 17, 2009

What resonates with me

Wonderful, merciful Saviour
Precious Redeemer and Friend
Who would've thought that a Lamb could
Rescue the souls of men
Oh, You rescue the souls of men
Counselor, Comforter, Keeper
Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost our way
Oh, we've hopelessly lost the way

You are the One that we praise
You are the One we adore
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for
Oh, our hearts always hunger for
Almighty, infinite Father
Faithfully loving Your own
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne
Oh, we're falling before Your throne

By Selah

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thank God

For peace of mind

Monday, February 2, 2009

Goals for the week

I am going to copy this blog and see if by making small, easily achievable goals, whether i can achieve them. So here goes:

- Go to the gym for atleast an hour of exercise this week
- Read a full chapter in the bible
- Go atleast one full work day without checking yahoo or facebook (i hope i can do this one)

Easy enough you may be saying, but these are some of the things i find most difficult to do

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The voice of the Lord?

Well 2009 and a new year is upon us once again (atleast for the new year). I hope it brings lots of good things only for me and my loved ones. I know it's been quite a while since I was on here but now i'm back, atleast for now anyway.

Of late i've been feeling like the Lord is talking me. I have this feeling like i'm being nudged towards something. A thing that i've been struggling with for quite a number of years now. I feel like He's telling me to trust Him. To just let go and to let Him step in and take control of my life and this situation in particular. I feel like He's calling me to have a personal relationship with Him, to not rely on my own strength but to put my trust in Him, to test Him and watch Him coming through for me in all areas of my life.

I have been asking God for awhile now to give me clarity or show me some signs concerning this situation. On various occassions now i've felt like i've gotten real signs including someone coming and actually telling me that the Lord is telling her to tell me to do that thing and to stop struggling. The thing is that i'm confused, i'm struggling to let go and surrender to the Lord, i know this is because i'm still relying on my own strength and not trusting in Him fully. I am also struggling with whether this trully is the Lord's voice/urging, but then again, why would any other thing putsh me towards the Lord.

I just wish i could see what life would be like with me totally trusting the Lord, like i could get some kind of peek into what He has in store for me. Like i could have some kind of guarantee about some things.
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