Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Wow! I can't believe it's been almost exactly a year since I was last here or even blogged anything. I suppose that's a reflection of all the things that have happened in my life of late. To say there has been change, is an understatement. To even say that there has been massive, un-planned, un-expected change is a major understatement. A lot has happened in my life, most of which has been life changing. But I thank God that I lived to die another day. God has been very faithful and good to me, like I cannot even begin to describe, relate. I suppose those who know me (as opposed to those who secretly troll my blog :)), are aware of some of what i'm talking about (don't you just hate it when people talk in parables? Especially on blogs). Anyway, I hope to blog more often about the same old random stuff that I always blogged about in the past. Just know that God is good and God is great, all the time and there's no doubt about it!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


It's hard to believe that we're already half-way through the year already..it seems like just the other day we were waiting up to see the new millenium and now look at us, the 1st decade is almost through.

This month brings with it lots of excitement, what with the W.orld C.up and stuff, the hype is so much especially here in J.o'burg where we have basically been whipped up into a frenzy by the football Friday's. I am also so excited that atleast we will also get to say we were there after we watch our match. At the same time i feel so sorry for B.afana B.afana with all our expectations riding on them. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to have so much pressure to perform, it must be crashing to say the least. The condemnation, vitriol and abuse they will receive should the crash out of the games too soon is just more than they can imagine. We are all getting our hopes up especially now that they have been undefeated in the last 11 matches they have played and those were not small teams either. Anyway, I suppose next Friday by this time we will know whether they beat M.exico or not, so it will either be collective euphoria or depression for the country. I tell you I have realized how sports can unify people, I have never witnessed this amount of patriotism by all colors and creeds in the 5 years I have been here...maybe next we must bid for the Olympics so that we have something else to look forward to as a country.

Anyway, I have rumbled on enough I think..busy week ahead for me..i will probably be driving to P.retoria 2 or 3 times this week with the 1st time being tomorrow morning for a meeting at 8am (grrr, why did i accept that time?) and then on Sunday we drive back and forth to P.olokwane for our match. Pray that I have a good, safe and productive week and so do all my loved ones too ;)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010


In the last 2 years I have re-discovered my love for books and reading, infact it began when I was on my forced leave in 2008 when i was literally inhaling books. I have actually always loved reading, but this love of mine was forgotten during the two years in which I got internet at home.

All in all though, i'm glad i've re-discovered my love of books. I have also decided that I will not be forcing myself to finish a book that is just too boring...life is too short and there are too many interesting books that remain un-read whenever i force myself to finish a book i'm not enjoying. I must admit though that I find it really hard to leave a book half read, kind of like i owe the writer something or i keep hoping that it will get better. Apart from reading fiction, I have also read a few books which have helped me have an understanding of the politics in this country, they were hard to finish but I really wanted to know more about the history of this country.

I have just finished reading a book by Wally Lamb, a new writer whom i've never read before. It was a really sad book but I really enjoyed it, so much so that I had to read it and get it out of my system otherwise i would not have been able to do anything else. It has been awhile since a book has gripped me so. I cannot wait to read all the other books by this author. I just realized that i'd heard it recommended on the JCW bookshow and i'd made a note of it and although i forgot about it, it think thats why i borrowed it from the library. Anyway, i highly recommend "I know this much is true"

Enough of my rambling

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hu(Wo)man Nature?

I have been thinking alot lately about whether as women we're programmed automatically to always want to be with the bad guys, you know the type i'm talking about, the one who never calls when he says he should...never replies your sms on time or even bothers to reply at all...the one who chases anything in a skirt and cheats on you repeatedly..basically the one who treats you most like crap. Is that what we women really like/want? Because it seems that's what we want much as we protest that we do not.

I mean there are plenty of good guys out there, they are attentive, loving, caring, cater to your every whim, want to spend as much time with you as possible, will do anything to spend afew minutes with you, does not cheat on you, infact really has eyes only for you, is dependable, has a good job and is wise with money, does not live at home, is God-fearing, etc

But what do most of us do, we label those guys as needy, wimps, boring, he's just always hanging around me like some kind of bad smell, he is not exciting enough. Whereas when we're making that list of requirements that we all like to pretend we don't have but we secretly do, that's exactly what we're looking for, but when a guy who ticks all the boxes shows up he's instantly rejected.

Does it therefore mean that good guys will always finish last?

Another thing i've been thinking about is - is it necessary to a relationship to have any chemistry/sparks? Should the chemistry/sparks come immediately? Or can that come with time? If the basics are there (i.e. respect, intense like (or even love), compatible and good companions, etc) is it enough or does one have to have sparks/chemistry? Is hooking up with someone with whom you have no sparks/chemistry settling for less than you can have/want? What if you go for the one where there is no sparks/chemistry and then later one the one with whom you have sparks/chemistry shows up, what do you do then? This whole love/life/relationships is just too hectic i tell you, clearly i need to spend more time sleeping at night and not thinking.

Why can't everything be just simple and straight forward?

Friday, November 27, 2009

God given talent

Earlier this week i was listening to a radio interview of a famous boxer called "the rose of Soweto" and the interviewer commented to him that some people say that most boxers need to train to reach the level that this boxer had reached, whereas most people agree that this boxer just had a natural God-given boxing talent.

Since then I have become obsessed with what my God-given talent. Does everyone have one of those? What if i die having never found out what it is? How do i find out what it is? I'm consumed with finding out what it is, i'd hate to think that there's something that i can do without any effort (or with minimal effort) or i wouldn't the amount of effort required because i would enjoy so much.

I guess for me the overriding question right now is what is my God-given talent. I sure would like to know so that it just stops lying fallow.

Enjoy a good weekend to my one faithful reader

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Did one of those online personality tests and the result was an almost accurate description of me as follows:

You prefer a warm, friendly environment free of conflict and hostility. In that environment, you prefer reassurance of your involvement and self-worth.

Because of your lenient and complacent nature, others with fewer scruples may take advantage of you. You could, perhaps, benefit from greater assertiveness.

You are a good friend and are always willing to help those you consider to be your friends. You also show strong ties, and will be uncomfortable when separated from your friends for an extended period.

You may demonstrate positive possessiveness by developing strong attachments; however, you will not be overly involved as some others tend to do.

You have a basic need to be supportive of others. You will agree with others, sometimes even if it's not what you really want.

Others may perceive you as being undemonstrative and self-controlled. Not wanting to be the center of attention, you generally support others.

You tend to dislike sudden or abrupt changes. You prefer things the way they are. Your motto might be: "If it's not broken, don't fix it."

You tend to be a traditionalist, and will enjoy the social environment best if it is stable and predictable. You dislike sudden decisions about where to go or what to do, preferring to think things out first.

You show self-control in most things you do; you are not an extremist. Others may see you as stable, mature and steadfast.

You tend to be loyal to others. Your loyalty shows in a variety of ways including your "staying power" with relationships and activities.
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