Wednesday, July 25, 2007

True peace

A heart that is totally surrendered to the Lord

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

My home, my sanctuary? Not!

So after boasting to all and sundry the way my area is very safe, infact it was voted the 2nd safest suburb last year, guess what happens? Yeah, you guessed it, on 3rd of July, 2 Toyota Tazz (they are kinda like a Starlet/Conquest) were stolen between midnight and 5am from our compound. Apparently, it seems the thieves timed when someone was coming home late and because people usually just drive and and don't wait to ensure that no one slips into the compound before the gate shuts, it seems that's how the thugs got into the compound and the jammed the gate so it would not completely close. I don't really know if that's what happened but that's what the notice that I read implies. So anyway, this means that I should never forget to put on the gear-lock and I must ALWAYS ensure that my boot is locked!!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Flat - update

So instead of the earlier proposed 8% increase, the managing agent has said he will negotiate for a 6% increase instead and instead of signing another 12 month lease agreement I will now only continue on a month-month basis with a 1 month notice period in case I want to leave. All this is subject to the landlord's agreement ofcouse but I don't foresee any problems. After all, I'm a pretty good tenant if I do say so myself!

In other news, the fuel price went down by 8c so I'm pretty happy about that too.


I think I'm not doing it right, I run most of 2km these days and I'm not in half as much pain I anticipated I would be in.  So either I'm not running fast enough, I need to run a longer distance, run all of it instead of brisk walking some, run more frequently than just twice a week or I'm not meant to be feeling any pain. I will try and run 3 times a week without fail next week and tonight/tomorrow morning when I run, I will try and run at least 1km without stopping (mind over body or is it pain J). Currently it's taking me about 15 minutes to do the 2km distance.

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