Friday, August 31, 2007

Why Calgary/Alberta?

- One of the cities with the lowest crime rates in 2006

- Alberta boasts the lowest overall taxes in Canada with no provincial sales tax (PST), no general capital or payroll tax!!! For this reason alone, i will go there

- Amongst the lowest unemployment rates of 3.3% in July compared to the national average of 6.1%

- Alberta the sunniest province in Canada with an average of 1900 hours of sunshine in a year in the north and 2300 hours in the south.

- Only province with more men than women :-))

- 4th most popular destination for all the thugs and stuff don't come here i'm hoping

- English the major language spoken

- Alberta has led the country in economic growth the past 3 years, with a growth rate of more than double the national average

- Alberta is 2nd only to Saudi Arabia for oil sands deposits in the world

- Alberta accounts for over 80% of the natural gas produced in Canada

- Major industries in addition to the energy sector in Alberta include INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ('nuff said), agriculture, forestry, telecommunications and tourism

- If you move to Alberta from another country, you will be covered immediately by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan.

- Calgary is the largest city in Alberta

- Calgary is currently experiencing a huge skills shortage in many areas

Why not?
- Required to undergo complete testing for all classes of drivers licence
- Few available rentals in Calgary and high demand means that prices are higher than the national average

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Horror is...

....turning into on-coming traffic on a one way street and almost colliding with a huge lorry! I was so embarrassed/flustered..I felt like doing "no pictures please" the way people were staring at me. This happened yesterday when I was running around lost in Pta when taking Ara's documents and trying to get to the evaluation office early enough so that I could be the 1st one on the line and be back at work not too late. The things we do for love I'm telling you! Only to get to the office and find out that they open at all of 9am. So I had to wait about 40minutes and as a result got to work really late. Anyway, it was for a good cause..Right Ara?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Home sweet home, the real deal now

Home aerial view
Our house is the one with a black dot on top of the SQ. That is the water tank

Monday, August 13, 2007

Home sweet home...or something like that

Aerial view of my flat thanks to Google earth...coming up shortly, our house. Watch this i dislike that expression. I live towards the right hand side of the block.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Who are you? And what have you done with the real me?

So it started with me starting to eat Weetbix...the bane of my growing up existence. I remember all the school mornings when i was forced to have it for breakfast and i thought for sure this was not my mother...i mean, which mother who loved her kids would force them to eat this drivel? Guess what, i now can't get enough of it.

Then came the juice. I remember all those days of orange squeezing which to me was the equivalent of some form of forced child labor in a chinese (no offense meant to them) sweat-shop. I swore i would never again squeeze another orange when we stopped making our own juice...that from then on, i would be an artificial juice kind of girl. Who knew that i would one day voluntarily start to make my own juice again...i certainly didn't!

I buy and cut my own sukuma voluntarily. Even people who live in Kenya no longer cut their own!!

Now, horror of horrors...i have started drinking oats porridge...heeeeelp..i mean, what's next? Making my own peanut butter??!!

Is this what happens, do we all turn into our mothers? Does this mean that i will one day find myself telling my child that i would beat them until they couldn't breathe?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Too long, too gone

Or was it the other way around?

Been awhile since I last posted anything i know. But nothing much going on right now and i just don't have the motivation to do this or anything else for that matter right now. So much happening in my life right now, so little of which i'm willing to write about. Work, work and did i say work? I need to start reading for some exams that i committed to do during my last evaluation, no motivation for that either.

Gotten afew regrets from some jobs that I thought would really pan out, trying not to get discouraged because i know the job i have now is such a blessing, its hard, but getting disillusioned with the whole job-search/career change is not a luxury i can afford. I feel bad moaning about this to the various people i moan about it to, because God knows they could do with proper jobs as well.

Not running any more, but really...hands up anyone who thought i'd stick with this one?

Playing my violin whenever i can, but slacking off on this one as well.

Overall, i thank God for my family, my job and for me. Don't mean to be dramatic or anything, just what i feel on a quiet Saturday night.
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