Saturday, August 4, 2007

Too long, too gone

Or was it the other way around?

Been awhile since I last posted anything i know. But nothing much going on right now and i just don't have the motivation to do this or anything else for that matter right now. So much happening in my life right now, so little of which i'm willing to write about. Work, work and did i say work? I need to start reading for some exams that i committed to do during my last evaluation, no motivation for that either.

Gotten afew regrets from some jobs that I thought would really pan out, trying not to get discouraged because i know the job i have now is such a blessing, its hard, but getting disillusioned with the whole job-search/career change is not a luxury i can afford. I feel bad moaning about this to the various people i moan about it to, because God knows they could do with proper jobs as well.

Not running any more, but really...hands up anyone who thought i'd stick with this one?

Playing my violin whenever i can, but slacking off on this one as well.

Overall, i thank God for my family, my job and for me. Don't mean to be dramatic or anything, just what i feel on a quiet Saturday night.

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