Thursday, April 12, 2007

More tomorrow

The camera battery just died so i will continue tomorrow or after i charge. Not that there are too many more. As usual my camera was not fully charged and my phone battery was dying too..typical i hear someone say (remember Xmas).

Anyway, the 1st day we went to Camps bay, then we went to the Waterfront and took a 3 hour sunset cruise (Note to self: Never again!). The weather was very windy and me who had taken afew sips of champagne (euuuuu!!!), that was complimentary with the cruise promptly started feeling sea-sick. Good thing i was seated in the open otherwise everything was coming up for sure! After that we came back and had some really good fish and chips at some restaurant at the Waterfront. We then walked around in the shops there for abit before my aching foot got the better of me and we headed home around 8pm.

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