Friday, April 13, 2007


My baby girl is sick, my Sylvia is suffering. The problem seems to have started last week before I went for Easter. She's so hard to start and she makes a metallic clanking sound when i attempt to switch her on. Then I have to step on the accelerator so she can start. Most mechanics don't work on Saturdays here, but after calling around yesterday, i managed to get an appointment for tomorrow at a Ford/Mazda dealer, but since they don't do major work on Saturdays, they will only tell me what's wrong but won't fix it...yeah, what will that help me. Anyway, i hope whatever is ailing her won't be too expensive to fix.

Hope you're all enjoying Friday 13th for those of you who believe in that. I have my annual cold already and we're not yet even in winter proper.

1 comment:

Yot said...

LIGHT VERSUS DARK . . . As seen thru the eyes of one Emeri . . . the other day i take my boy out shopping with me, we live the house in broad daylight because its the only acceptable time i am allowed to hand-carry that dude, so i tell him plan has changed mid way, that we are not going only to uchumi (dude's favorite hangout) but also to see Cucu we go all the way and miss her then come back to Uchumi, so we shop, do our stuff (oops did i tell u how i panicked when he dissapeared from my sight for a minute-NOT EVEN FUNNY)order cake, and then we go and pay...just before i can pay for my purchases using the credit card...dude unleashes favorite phrase "mama potty" which basically means if you dont take me to a loo now i shall pee my pants NOWWWWWWWWWW. So u should have seen me running at break neck speed towards the exit-please note i cant fathom where the toilets are so its the car pack for us (sorry mama i know its how men start being taught to behave badly at an early stage!!!) ..... runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn carrying Eme then he chwaaaaaaaaaaassss nicely in the car...BUT thats not the point, the point is that as we are exiting Uchumi Mr Eme asks me ever so innocently, "Ate where is the light???" in his little eyes and mind and body, he had never been in uchumi or out anywhere in the dark and so he was wondering what happened to the light that was there when we first entered Uchumi!!!

it got me too excited and thinking little dude for real is wondering and so should we all when we are out late what are we doing out - is it important?

so we got home and we where the last ones out and he was sooo habe habe habe..............

have yourselves a blessed glorious day...

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