Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Wow, this is bad....

Even by my standards this is bad, not even 7 days and i'm already bored of blogging. Story of my life...never see anything that i start to the end.

Anyway, work is getting busier.

Looking forward to CT for Easter, but not looking forward to the flying part of it. I think I will try and wake up early tomorrow morning and sleep really late (if at all), tomorrow night so that I am so dead tired by the time i get onto the plane that i just black out.

Good thing that everything worked out with work and leaving early for the airport on Thursday. My friend and i were wondering how we would possibly make it to the airport on time. Our flight leaves at 6pm and yet we have to work til 5pm, so the plan was to run away at around 3pm. Luckily, i was asked to work late tomorrow and then i can leave early on thursday afternoon. Hopefully, we can navigate through the traffic, get to the airport in time to get long-term parking and check-in 90 minutes before time as required.

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