Sunday, May 13, 2007

More photos

Sterkfontein caves
Bus to Suncity theme park from the parking
At the theme park
Man-made waves/sea
Death defying water slide


Yot said...

Eme and Papa....

those two boys are in love, the other night (sunday) master Eme is telling papa hug, hug, hug, as in chap chap now come and give me a hug its my bed time...papa is standing up watching the debate for the three labor MPs that want to succeed monsieur Tony Blair and Eme is with me in the chair telling papa, hug hug hug, Ayado is waiting for him by the sink and missy Ara is in i am busy teasing Eme you know papa is not your age, see how tall he is and you are so small and so you need to stop joking joking with him ati hug hug hug, be serious, he looks at me with a ka-jicho, sideways and says again papa hug hug hug, runs to him and tells him cajung (means carrying)-as in now not only do i want hug hug hug, but bend down, lift me up and hug me up there where u are so tall!!!, what is this aunty ayote is telling me, ebu beba me now, so papa smiles, bends and obliges the little boy who is very gleeful, says bachu (Bless you) and is off to bed merrily!!!

his pal (Papa) has made him happy, they are both happy (i think Eme thinks Papa is his agemate, and so is Ara), but Ara is closer in age than papa!!! both smile and go away to the next thing.

you know these days Eme is monkey see monkey do, he and papa have the exact same mannerism!!! wear hats, shoes, socks, cross their legs, etc, pocket their hands, anything that papa does, eme also copies!!!

okay now i gusta work

hope you all had a good sunday/mothering sunday and i hope you wished our dear darling mama happy mamas day

love to all and be blessed

Yot said...


Amo your chiviri is looking great!! i had to click on the photos for a better view (ps i didnt know one could click on the photos for clear vision!!!!) me i have been thinking that you have to strain and see the small photos!!! kumbeeeeeeee you can see if you click on it and make it bigger!!! bodo amahuli

anyway your chiviri looks very nice

Yot said...

closing day....

Today me and Ara have closy!!! its the last sharing day for our individual groups at BSF!!! God has and continues to be faithful to us, we have successfully studied Romans and have completed it, its been 32 weeks and we shall be sad to say goodbye to our ladies in our groups...tukifungua, i have requested to be sent to the childrens programme...what this basically means is that i want to be a childrens leader and not a discussion leader-as in i lead tois (yes yes i can hear you all asking why, will i manage, etc) bodo i am living it to God and i am looking forward to it as well...

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