Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Things I like about this country

I so often am very critical of this country and yet this place has truly been very good to me. I think I have achieved so much more than I would have if I hadn't come here. So in an effort to become less critical and learn to like (maybe even love) this country, I'm going to be putting down a list of things that I like about this place in an effort to count my blessings.
  1. The wonderful singing
    As evidenced by this, though I haven't had an opportunity to see them yet. I'm constantly amazed by the way the people here sing, especially the black people. Even when they are demonstrating on the streets, their protest songs are just so nice, one would think they actually meet and practice and yet it's spontaneous. I think the men sing better though.

  2. Amazing race
    Though this series is not actually South African. This is where I discovered it, and boy do I love this show!
  3. The amazing job opportunities.
    There are soooo many jobs here. I mean, look at all these here. Where else in the world would one find so many jobs listed. Mark you, this is just one of many websites.
  4. Graduate recruitment
    This is kind of related to 4 above. Not one company came to recruit students from my university. While at Wits, they have whole 2 month period of graduate recruitment. Blows my mind. Again just goes to show how many opportunities there are here.
  5. Clothes that fit - Need i say more?

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