Monday, August 13, 2007

Home sweet home...or something like that

Aerial view of my flat thanks to Google earth...coming up shortly, our house. Watch this i dislike that expression. I live towards the right hand side of the block.


gnovember said...

wow,thats such a nice thing that google earth thing,i almost feel like im seated at your dining table having sweet pots and groundnut sauce.NOT. what is that grainy image? YOU did geog in high sch imagine if they had brought such a picture for you and asked you Qs on the same? a D+ would have been too good. one word: Upgrade or loose this faithful blogger

Amo said...

Whatever!!! anyway, thats the clearest that google earth can get imagine. For sheezy, if geog would have had such descriptive pictures i would have been bingwa! Talking of groundnuts and sweet pots..guess what i bought this weekend, sweet pots...for real, you people there's something seriously wrong with me

gnovember said...

hallo 911,my sista is lost in sa please help?

gnovember said...
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Amo said...

Some people jealousy me :-))

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